
Monday, 22 October 2018

Boost Adsense Earning Implementing Page-Level Ads


Google Adsense used to be one of the best earning resources for Bloggers and Content Marketers. But it was back in the golden days, now the earning has been decreasing day by day. However, Ad-sense team is trying hard to get the publishers back in order to restore its position as a giant in the display advertising industry. Adsense has recently introduced a new Ad feature called “Page Level-Ads” which I’ll be guiding you in this article with a video tutorial in Urdu/Hindi.

What’s Ad sense Page Level-Ad?
As per my understanding, this ad type is specifically for mobile users, and as you know, mobile users have been increasing in the past few years. So this feature can help in targeting mobile users with in-depth close ads and revenue boost. There are two type of new ads introduced in the new feature:

Mobile ads that stick to the edge of the user’s screen and are easily dismiss able.
Mobile full-screen ads that appear between page loads on your site and can be easily dismissed by your users.
These two new page-level ads are automatically optimized by Ad sense team, and they will serve the ads according to the users and their experience. So keep in mind that these Ads will not change the user experience.

Increase Ad-sense Earning in Urdu/Hindi
Now here is the video tutorial in Urdu/Hindi to learn this whole thing practically, please watch the video carefully and take the very simple steps to implement the new Page-Laval Ads introduced by Google.

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