
Wednesday, 22 March 2017

Technical requirements

To help you provide a quality user experience, Google has developed technical specifications for sites displaying Google ads. We only allow sites that comply with these technical specifications. Please review below for detailed technical requirements:
  • Use supported languages
    • Google publisher products do not support all languages. Applications for participation in these programs can be for sites with content primarily in the following languages.
  • Format requirements
    • WebView
      • AdSense for content (AFC) and Ad Exchange (AdX) display ads are not supported through all WebView technologies. App developers wishing to monetize by publishing AFC and AdX display ads through a WebView must use one of the following supported viewing frames:
        • Android: Chrome Custom Tab
        • iOS: SFSafariViewController (iOS9 +)
      • Google AdMob and AdX in-app ads may be shown in an app next to a WebView so long as the Google Mobile Ads SDK is in use and the publisher is compliant with all other AdSense program policies

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